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Transgender Michigan's (TGMI) reason for being is to give all year, serving the transgender and gender non-conformist communities throughout the state. Regrettably, in order to continue the mission of giving, we need to receive. Not surprisingly, that's where you come in. We need you.
If you're already a member, friend or sponsor of TGMI, you're familiar with our work. If not, this is what we do:
- Transgender Michigan is a lifeline and communications link for the statewide transgender community. The transgender person—or one approaching that crossroads—often needs someone to talk to who has been through that complex journey. S/he might be seeking practical advice, guidance, a referral, emotional support—or just the sympathetic ear of someone who has endured the peaks and valleys of transition. Through our 24-hour TGMI Hotline, we lend that ear, free of charge to the caller. But, of course, not free.
- Transgender Michigan is a strenuous advocate and coalition builder for transgender issues. We work closely with other organizations, such as Equality Michigan, Affirmations, Transgender Detroit, the Michigan AIDS Coalition and others. Our joint project with theMichigan AIDS Coalition in support of transgender people with AIDS continues; as does our work with Equality Michigan's victim advocates and lobbying arm. Your help in these and other efforts would be invaluable.
- Transgender Michigan stages, promotes and participates in events throughout the year. In addition to maintaining a presence at Pride festivals across the state, TGMI sponsors and operates the annual—and vital--Transgender Day of Visibility, Transgender Pride in the Park, theTransgender Health Fair, and, of course, Rachel's Infamous Birthday Party.
- Transgender Michigan is a voice serving the transgender community. Our Speaker's Bureau travels the state, offering education and inspiration to transgender persons and the people who love them at little or no charge. We seek to expand this growing program even further in the coming year and you can help.
- Transgender Michigan is a billboard, maintaining a detailed online Calendar of Events—social and informational--of interest to the transgender community for every day of the year throughout the state. We maintain and continually update the TGMI TransPages, a directory of public and private services and resources available to Michigan's transgender communities. We created and service TGMI TransNet, a state-wide web of transgender volunteers who serve as contact points or form local chapters, directing people with transgender issues to support groups, advisory groups and even the liveliest parties of the like-minded—a vital function, particularly in under-represented areas. We plan to improve these services and provide more, if we can count on you.
This is a snapshot of the work we do every day on behalf of the transgender, but our efforts to unify and empower transgender and gender non-conformist individuals and communities does not end there. As part of our mission to educate, support, advocate, lobby and build coalitions, we publish informational materials free for the asking, and also distributed free to all comers at every function. We bust transgender myths, address questions unique to the logistical, social and health problems encountered by the transgender person or aspirant specific to his or her situation, and pay special attention to the education and support of significant others and the families, friends and allies so needed by the transgender individual. We tirelessly seek the social equality and inclusion of those in the broad community we serve, and look forward to a society where they are judged based not on what lies beneath their clothing or the content of their wallets, but what lies inside their hearts and the content of their character.
We can achieve this...but we cannot do it alone. Your taxes do not support our work, but your gifts do. If you support our mission—if you support equal justice and opportunity for all, recognize the necessity of inclusion for the betterment of common humanity, and believe in a world where these things are not only desirable, but possible—please, in this time of giving, back that belief and support that mission with a gift of your choosing. “Tis the season. Thank you.
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