Saturday, June 11, 2011

Michigan Pride, Lansing

By Rachel Crandall

Today we were at Michigan Pride and it felt a bit like a family reunion.  I used to live in the Lansing area for many years before moving to the Detroit area.

Sara, Emma, & Rachel at Michigan Pride
I got to re-unite with many old friends and meet with many new friends.

However there is a shortage of support groups in Lansing.  It is definitely clear that there is a demand for a support group in the Lansing area.  In fact we had more traffic and requests for information at our booth in Lansing than we did at Motor City Pride.

But today we made a number of contacts which may lead to a viable support group, including a local church that is interested in hosting the group.  Hopefully we will be able soon to announce the successful start of this group.


  1. What church? (curious if it's my home church) I am hopefully moving back to Lansing, MI in the next 2-3 months, and was thinking of starting/helping start a trans group in the area. I'd love to be on a contact list if something is started or in the beginning stages. Thank you for all you are doing!! :)

  2. We have set up a new facebook group to organize support for the Lansing transgender community.

    It is Transgender Lansing - A Chapter of Transgender Michigan!/home.php?sk=group_56386266994

    This group is dedicated to supporting the transgender communities of the Lansing area. A place to organize meetings, make connections, exchange information, or let out your inner rant.
