Tuesday, December 30, 2014

State of the Transgender State 2014

It was the best of years. It was the worst of years. 2014 has shown great progress and great loss.

This year the transgender community of Michigan has come together more so than any time in the past. Activism was at its highest thus far. The community mobilized to fight in Lansing to add gender identity and expression to the Eliot Larson Civil Rights Act. Although the bill did not pass, the transgender community refused to be ignored and the groundwork has been laid for future progress. This groundwork will be crucial in years to come.

Attendance at our events are breaking records each year. Transgender Pride in the Park had almost 200 participating. People came from all over the Midwest and we had more vendors than ever before. Our Health Fair also broke records. We had many more exhibitors than in past years.

The help line (the first in the country) has been getting more calls than any time in the past. We tripled the number of people answering the calls. Many people have told us that our help line was the only resource they could find when they really needed help.

Transgender Michigan chapters are thriving and growing. Our Traverse City and Mid-Michigan chapters hosted great Transgender Day of Remembrance events. New chapters are starting up, covering every region of Michigan.

Our speakers have been asked to talk to many more university classes and groups.

Other transgender organizations in the state are doing incredible work.

Housing for transgender individuals continues to be a major issue. Homeless shelters still refuse to accept trans-folk. We must come together as a community to tackle this problem.

Contributions to Transgender Michigan can be made at http://www.transgendermichigan.org/contribution.html

Rachel Crandall, Executive Director, Transgender Michigan